Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
by Simon in(the david bowie song in case you're wondering).
there seems to be a lot of talk and speculation about the changes that are coming at the next district conventions.
there have certainly been quite a few articles and talks (esp.
Village Idiot
@ Nitty-Gritty: I suggest that you get a copy of the book The Gentile Times Reconsidered. Unfortunately they are out of print and Amazon has them for crazy prices (cheapest 38.59) but if you can get a copy you'll learn a lot and be able to see Russell's predictions in full historical context. -
by Simon in(the david bowie song in case you're wondering).
there seems to be a lot of talk and speculation about the changes that are coming at the next district conventions.
there have certainly been quite a few articles and talks (esp.
Village Idiot
@ Nitty-Gritty:
"I have a pdf file of a 1913 WT where it clearly says that they were expecting something big to happen in 1914."
It was around 1905 that Russell started losing faith in his complicated 40 year social Armageddon and started saying that there would be a "final windup" where everything that he said would happen would finally happen shortly before or shortly after 1914.
Keep in mind that he had a lot of secondary prophecies within that 40 year period whose dates he kept changing as the years kept proving him wrong. The fall of Babylon the Great was supposed to happen on several different years according to the predictions of succeeding editions of his books and he would even remeasure the sacred pyramid in order to keep all his prophecies in tact.
What happened in 1914 was the opposite of what he predicted in the 1880s where he stated that there would be no outbreak of war especially in Europe. Such a war would contradict his social Armageddon where anarchy and fratricide between people in the world would bring about the dissolution of the world.
A world war would have interrupted his complex predictions since war would require a cohesive society (no anarchy) and would result in a victor. Russell did not believe that there would be any victors in his Armageddon. No nation would have the organization to wage a war if they all are disintegrating into chaos.
As for 1914, that was supposed to be the beginning of the Millennium.
Religion is dying a slow death!!!
by ADJUSTMENTS inreligion has run its course, it was used as a way to control growing populations and to give the human race a sense of direction almost like training wheels.
religion has gone on a path of no return... that includes the only true religion of jw's!!!
ha .
Village Idiot
No, it's not in decline except in Western Europe, maybe China and portions of America - excluding the southern and mid-western states. It's doing well in South America, Mexico, Africa, Russia (yes Russia), South Asia and so on. And what's more any increase of misery around the world will strengthen religion. Religion thrives on misery.
Nice cartoons by the way.
Are we heading for III World War?
by abiather inthe leaders of russia, germany, france and ukraine are slated to meet in minsk (the belarusian capital) tomorrow to discuss a ukrainian peace plan!
some countries such as hollande believe there is going to be a total war.
when they met last year in the same place, they had put forward a peace plan (a ceasefire, withdrawal of artillery, prisoner exchanges and other concessions) that were never fully implemented!
Village Idiot
One thing should be said in support of the OP. World War I was started by something relatively minor incident (an assassination) in comparison to the bloodshed that followed. It only takes a relatively minor spark to set the world afire. -
Embrace Judeo-Christian culture and values! Is this politician serious?
by Gnostic Bishop inembrace judeo-christian culture and values!
is this politician serious?.
Village Idiot
I wrote a document concerning Christian Nationalism in the US that might interest you. It is a long and hard to maneuver in document but I suggest that you click on the title, right above the flaming bird, which will then take you to the table of contents.
You might want to download it for ease of maneuvering in it. -
Are we heading for III World War?
by abiather inthe leaders of russia, germany, france and ukraine are slated to meet in minsk (the belarusian capital) tomorrow to discuss a ukrainian peace plan!
some countries such as hollande believe there is going to be a total war.
when they met last year in the same place, they had put forward a peace plan (a ceasefire, withdrawal of artillery, prisoner exchanges and other concessions) that were never fully implemented!
Village Idiot
"The death of 1/3 of humans is just sort of Act I as opposed to WW III. I suspect this event will usher in the rule of someone who will come to be known as the Anti-Christ."
"It is between fifty and sixty years since I read it [the Book of Revelation], and I then considered it merely the ravings of a maniac, no more worthy nor capable of explanation than the incoherencies of our own nightly dreams ... I cannot so far respect them as to consider them as an allegorical narrative of events, past or subsequent. There is not enough coherence in them to countenance any suite of rational ideas.... What has no meaning admits no explanation. And pardon me if I say, with the candor of friendship, that I think your time too valuable, and your understanding of too high an order, to be wasted on these paralogisms. You will perceive, I hope, also that I do not consider them as reveladons of the supreme being, whom I would not so far blaspheme as to impute to him a pretension of revelation, couched at the same time in terms which, he would know, were never to be understood by those to whom they were addressed." Thomas Jefferson, letter to General Alexander Smyth, January 17, 1825 -
Embrace Judeo-Christian culture and values! Is this politician serious?
by Gnostic Bishop inembrace judeo-christian culture and values!
is this politician serious?.
Village Idiot
@LUHE: "I'd like to say at this point that the authors of the 'kill the gays law' have nothing to do with Farage."
I know. I never meant to intend that.
As for his 'Liberalism' here in the states Republicans have gotten so radical that he would look like a "Rino' - Republican in name only".
One thing he said that I respect, he wanted to encompass the (non terrorist) Muslim community and to help their alienated youth. No Republican would be caught dead saying that. They want the abolition of all Mosques and even make claims that Obama is a crypto-Muslim.
Embrace Judeo-Christian culture and values! Is this politician serious?
by Gnostic Bishop inembrace judeo-christian culture and values!
is this politician serious?.
Village Idiot
Mr. Farage, who sounds somewhat liberal to me compared to others here in the US, might not compare to the majority of Christian Nationalists here in the States but my point is that Dominionism is a threat everywhere in the civilized world and their concept of Judeo-Christian values threaten more than just one country.
They have control of Uganda and are the authors of the "Kill the gays law".
The bible has lost its validity...
by ADJUSTMENTS inthe bible has lost its luster during this age of information so many real truths have been brought to light with the help of the internet, that the bible just isn't looked upon the same if at all anymore.
if you can still cling to the bible after thorough research then "god bless you"!
(no pun intended).
Village Idiot
“This knowledge is of divine origin; and it is from the Bible of the creation that man has learned it, and not from the stupid Bible of the church, that teaches man nothing.*
*The Bible-makers have undertaken to give us, in the first chapter of Genesis, an account of the creation; and in doing this they have demonstrated nothing but their ignorance…
Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason. From The Online Library of Liberty: The Writings of Thomas Paine, Volume IV, Page 192-193.
Embrace Judeo-Christian culture and values! Is this politician serious?
by Gnostic Bishop inembrace judeo-christian culture and values!
is this politician serious?.
Village Idiot
@ Clambake:
"I think Judaeo Christian values make us better."
Do you think that Judaic values of the Old Testament are appropriate for any nation? Would you execute a man for gathering firewood on the Sabbath? Execute women who weren't virgin during her wedding night? Force the victim of rape to marry her rapist? These are Hebrew - that is Judaic values.
"The United States isn’t the moral equal of Somalia."
Ah yes, the old only Christians are moral argument. Gandhi wasn't. You can find multitudes who are examples for many Christians to follow.
"I don’t think what happened in the middle ages matters anymore."
What's happening now with Dominionists does affect us.
"Communism and Islam suck. Secular humanism will not be the moral compass that Christianity is in the future."
Communism is dead even in China which is communistic in name only. As for Islam, it is a throwback to the Old Testament; you know ancient Judaic values.